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Ultimate Reset Week 3: Restore & Post Reset Week

Week 3 Restore:

I was so glad to be done with the detox week. It really challenged me not only with the Detox packets but the food menu itself. So for week 3 instead of taking the yucky detox packets I took the Revitalize capsule along with the other supplements from Week 1. This week’s menu was more appealing to me and was supposed to be about adding in more fruits and veggies to put new healthy things in to replace what was removed during the detox week. This was a strict vegan eating week. Grains were optional.

Not only was I excited about this being a good week of eating, but I was also excited that it was the last week. I was really starting to feel great. I gained a ton of energy back and wasn’t feeling so tired. I could definitely tell my pants and clothes were feeling loose. I had much more muscle definition, especially in my stomach and Ab area. People would mention that I looked leaner and smaller, which was great!!

The week went by fairly quickly. I was excited to start working out again. I did attempt to go to kickboxing on this last day. I had to take it easy, as I still didn’t have much strength. I modified when I needed too. It felt great to get back into working out. I was also in a wedding all day on the 21st day, June 30, 2012. I still stuck to my guns and ate my healthy lunch and ate a salad for dinner at the wedding reception. I was happy that I was able to get through it all.

For this last week I lost another 1.6 pounds! This is the lowest I have ever seen my scale go. Woo hoo!! Throughout this whole program, I lost a total of 5.2lbs and 4.75 inches. I was able to break through my plateau that I had for the last 6 months. Before the reset, my body felt tight and bloated at times. Not anymore!! I went from 133.8 to 128.6. I am still currently maintaining at 128-129. I weighed in this morning (July 9, 2012) at 128.2.

Post Reset week:

This last week post reset was quite hard. The holiday in the middle of the week and it also being my daughter’s birthday was quite a struggle. The first few days of eating were not challenging at all. I still followed the diet not really incorporating meat and sticking to the vegan diet plan. On the 4th of July, I OVER indulged with smoked meats and sweets. My tummy was upset the next few days and I seriously paid for that over indulgence. I spent some major time in the middle of the night in the bathroom. Sorry If that was too much information for you. The tummy aches lingered for several days after. I went back to eating more of the vegan lifestyle and my body is thanking me. I don’t know if I will be able to ever go back to the way that I ate before. It wasn’t ever done in a bad way, but I feel my body is more sensitive to things that I place in it now.

When it came to working out, I noticed my strength is still not there. The weight levels that I had pushed previously are not the same. I am okay with that. I felt that I was going a little too heavy and I needed to cut back. I was worried about not working out for the 3 weeks and having to regain my cardiovascular back, but I never did. I felt more energized and ready to go than I ever had. I have exercise induced asthma and I haven’t had to take my inhaler at all. I feel my muscles are rested and more flexible. I could extend more into my stretches that I ever could before.

I totally would do the Ultimate Reset again. Once a year would be a great investment, but I would probably aim for the slower activity months like January or February. It’s crazy to think of how much weight was lost plus how much better I feel, but I would highly recommend doing it to anyone. If you think you are fit and healthy, don’t think that you can’t benefit from doing this program, because you definitely will.

I never thought I would get out so much from doing a program like this. I thought the way that I ate and worked out was perfectly fine. This Reset showed me what I needed to do to live healthy and feel great from here on out.

If you would like more information feel free to head over to my Beachbody Ultimate Reset page and check out the different packages. It truly is a great experience. Your body will thank you.