My transformation Story

Let's Connect

Scale Junkie

I like read many blogs on a daily basis. You can tell by scrolling down and looking at the blogs I follow on my page. I especially like weight loss blogs.  I read these because I want to see what others struggle with while going through the same journey I am going through.  One blog I read is Scale Junkie. She has so many inspiring words. I wanted to share her blog post from yesterday. It really hit home to me because I do the same thing to myself and I need to stop it.  She has some amazing words.... My favorite line "As much as it hurts, sometimes we need to get uncomfortable to get to the truth." Read on....

Breaking the negative self talk cycle

"For years I felt like a failure because I couldn’t lose weight. I blamed this or that along the way but the truth is that when I’m 100% honest with myself I’ve been my own worst enemy. When the going gets tough I’ve run the other way. When faced with a mountain to climb I’ve never made it to the top and I’ve used every excuse in the book to justify my failures. Would I do this in my professional career? NO WAY but I do it to my body.

I look at how harshly I’ve treated myself in the past and I realized that I would NEVER EVER treat someone else the way I treat myself. Would you call a friend a failure if they made one mistake? Would you sit back and let a friend binge eat? Would you call a friend ugly? Would you point out every flaw to a friend? Would you criticize every decision a friend made? Would you let a friend abuse their body? I’d never let a friend do the things I’ve done to myself, not ever. But yet I do it to myself and justify it. It needs to stop and it needs to stop now!

If you take the time to examine what you’re saying about yourself ask yourself first if its true. If its true then ask yourself if you’re skewing it at all. Chances are if you aren’t giving yourself the whole picture when you hit yourself with a negative. Look at the facts first and then see where you can go from there.

I am worth fighting for and so are you. Can we make a little pact to stop being so hard on ourselves? If you find yourself saying something negative STOP and turn it into a positive. I’ve learned that when I really want to change I have to make myself step out of my comfort zone. As much as it hurts, sometimes we need to get uncomfortable to get to the truth. Saying nice things about myself is something I’ve never been good so I’ve decided to look at things I know are true about me and things that can help me along the way to a healthier mind, body and spirit.

  • When I fall down I get back up again
  • Sugar is not my friend, I feel so much better when I avoid it
  • My body feels so good after exercise
  • I meet challenges head on
  • I don’t quit
  • I will be kinder to myself and treat myself as I treat others
  • I have a capacity to learn and will seek new information daily
  • I am a loving wife and good puppy momma
  • I am unique and beautiful in a way that is all mine and I’m proud of that
  • I am strong, physically strong and getting stronger, mentally strong and getting strong, spiritually strong and getting stronger.
Your turn, even if it hurts, even if it causes some discomfort, write a list of positive things that are true about you. I wrote 10, you can write more or less but do at least 6 and really push yourself out of that comfort zone and look inside of yourself for this list. You don’t have to share them if you don’t want but I really REALLY hope you do! Looking a little deeper sometimes provides the push that we need. "

Posted by Scale Junkie

I wrote my list of 10, will you? Maybe you should follow her blog posts. If you need a little inspiration, I suggest you do.