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Ultimate Reset Week 1 Recap: Reclaim

This last week I started the Beachbody Ultimate Reset. First off, what is the Ultimate Reset? 
As I describe it to some people, they think of it as a cleanse. The Beachbody Ultimate Reset is not really a cleanse in the way that you would probably think of. Normally when people think of a cleanse they picture themselves running to the toilet all day because of harsh processed chemicals flushing your body out. This is not the case with this program. This is not a starvation diet. There aren't any harsh laxatives and you will not be running  to the bathroom every five minutes with stomach cramps. Your body will not be deprived but instead you will be providing your body with all of the nutrients that it has been craving and missing. The Ultimate Reset is not a diet. It’s a 21-day detox program that works to restore your body. It’s designed to help you release years of those accumulated toxins and restore your body to back to its “factory settings." Sounds pretty good, huh? More about the program….

The Beachbody Ultimate Reset is a complete, 3-phase daily program that provides you with everything you need to Reclaim your body’s natural balance, Release the harmful materials you may be storing within you, and Restore your system to its maximum health.

Phase 1: Reclaim
In Phase 1 you will Reclaim your body, balance your body’s inner chemistry and get it ready for change.
Phase 2: Release
In Phase 2 you will Release the toxic compounds stored within your tissues that are clogging your cells. This will wash away years of impurities.
Phase 3: Restore
In this Phase you will Restore your metabolism back to it’s maximum efficiency while fortifying your body with the nutrients, enzymes, and probiotics it needs to maintain healthy performance in the future.

So here is a recap of my week one….Reclaim

During this week you slowly remove foods like red meat and dairy from your diet.  These types of food put stress on your digestive system and make you more acidic overall.  You rehydrate your body with about a gallon of water a day, reactivate sluggish cell function and shift your body's pH level to a healthier alkaline state.  Acidity can weaken your body's functions and predispose you to disease states. There are 4 supplements you take throughout the day:  Mineralize which adds natural minerals needed by the body, Optimize which promotes healthy metabolism and effective body functions, Oxygenize which provides supplemental oxygen to the body, and Alkalinize which helps maintain alkalinity. 
So by the end of week one you've eliminated animal proteins and dairy.  I never was much of a dairy person. I drink almond and coconut milk in place of cow milk.  I take in some animal proteins, but it wasn't hard to give it up. Most people have caffeine headaches that I didn't experience. While on this program you have to drink a lot of water. On day one, I felt bloated and water logged. I probably overcompensated with water so I wouldn't feel any hunger pangs. I felt a little foggy and light headed. My body ached as if I had worked out hard for a few days. While on this program, hard rigorous workouts shouldn't be done since the body is working hard on the inside. Walking and Yoga are suggested, but nothing else. I thought this would be the hardest thing for me, but the way my body ached the first few days as the toxins were leaving, I was definitely OKAY with not doing any exercise whatsoever. 
By days 5-7 I was waking up in the morning feeling like I had a ton of energy!  I was not getting any more sleep than usual, but I felt revitalized. Before I had started the Reset I had gotten into some old bad habits of picking at foods throughout the day, crackers, almonds, sweets, etc and it was definitely making me feel sluggish. On day 7, I felt enough energy to attempt a workout. I went to kickboxing, but modified a lot of the moves and didn't try to get my heart rate up too much. It felt good to do a little something. I missed my class terribly. 
During these first seven days, I lost 3.2 lbs.  At the beginning I was felt bloated, but I now feel slim and light.  My muscles feel tight and toned. One great thing about this program is that I'm actually consuming more calories than I normally would for weight loss. The whole program is full of clean healthy whole foods. 
Speaking of wholesome food, HOLY MOLY. The Ultimate Reset comes with a 3 week menu, shopping lists and recipes, including a cooking dvd.  Some menu choices were a roasted root medley, zucchini-cashew soup, nori rolls with tempeh and veggies, and salads with homemade dressings.  If in a pinch, I have been able to substitute the Vegan Tropical Strawberry Shakeology. I've been pleasantly surprised at how much food there is at meals. Sometimes, I feel there is too much and I hate to waste it. I didn't think I would like the crazy prep time of all the meals, but I actually enjoy it.  
I am used to eating 5 times a day, but during the Reset you eat 3 times a day so that has been an adjustment for me. The hardest part of this whole program is taking the supplements. They have to be timed correctly throughout the day which when life gets crazy, there are times that you have to just stop and take them to make sure you get them in. This is still something I am getting used too. As I look ahead to next week I am wondering how I will feel and what this next phase will bring.  On to week two…..Restore…..  I will keep you posted.