My transformation Story

Let's Connect

For the Guys....

Another post from the hubs down below:
This is to the men out there thinking they want to get in shape, but your internal voice says, "It has been years since I lifted". I have heard and listened to several guys that tell me the same stories about how they use to lift weights, and would love to get back in shape. I know the feeling, because I was there as well. All I ever knew was lifting weights. I am here to tell you, the older we get the more JUST lifting weights doesn't cut it. I think getting out of that mindset is hard for most guys. It doesn't seem really cool to do a workout video with your wife or take a cardio class, but let me tell you from experience… works! I lost 15 pounds off my gut and have not lost a bit of strength. I still lift weights but it is important that you still get cardio in. Most of the guys I know are not big runners, I am not either. That is why when I found Insanity, it kind of fit perfect.

This leads me to my main point of this blog.  Guys, I ask you this….”Do you want your wife or girlfriend to be hot?” I am not sure I know a guy that wouldn't want that, but if you answer “YES”, then why not workout with them? Your significant other, wife, girlfriend, or whoever just may be the best workout partner you can get.  My opinion is not to take them to the gym, unless they like or feel comfortable at the gym. If your wife or girlfriend is new to working out, then you are going to have to avoid the gym for a while. Your best bet is going out to find a class or purchase an at home workout program, like P90X or Insanity and start doing it together. By doing that you are going to find something that you and your partner can do together. Then at the same time it makes both of you more attractive to each other.  This really helps save a relationship or helps make a relationship that much stronger. Let’s try not to fool ourselves guys as we get older, it sure doesn't take as long to pack on extra weight in places that we never had weight before. So, really by doing this you are getting healthy and everything else will tend to get better in your life.  If you are attracted to your wife or significant other and she is attracted to you, then that is a great recipe for a healthy life together.

My gorgeous wife and I are 7 months into working out together. Speaking for me, it has been the best year of our marriage together.  We have always done stuff as a couple but we never really had anything that we both truly enjoyed doing together.  This is it. Having exercise to turn to has truly brought our family together in ways that we never thought would happen.  So, here’s my advice: “Get out there and do something together and you will find that both of you will love it and those activities will bring your relationship closer.”
