My transformation Story

Let's Connect

New Year!!

Hello 2012!! I'm so excited for this New Year. I don't have any specific reasons why, but I am full of energy and excitement about new adventures and opportunities that will be happening this year. The beginning of 2011 was horrible for me, but things turned around about quarter of the way through. 2011 ended just as it should have, and I feel very good about the direction I'm headed in.

This last year was an emotional roller coaster when it came to this weight loss journey. There were so many ups and downs and struggles with my self-image.  During the weight loss there were countless things I learned. When it came to diet, I refused to give up the yummy foods that I loved, like burgers, pizza, and sushi, but I was able to work those foods into my lifestyle and know that moderation was the key.  I found that I enjoyed cooking and shopping for organic and locally grown foods. I was able to get my family to eat better just with the little changes that I made. The biggest key aside from my diet is that I found the LOVE of exercise. In the beginning you probably would've heard every cuss word in the book come out of my mouth, but once I was able to see my body transform and change, my attitude and outlook on everything changed. My struggles this year will be allowing me to indulge in the foods I love a little more without feeling guilty and not overdoing it on exercise. Almost all of the weight that I wanted off is off, now I need to learn to maintain the lifestyle I have and know that its okay when there are a few pound fluxes.

This is where I stand with my health and weight loss as of today. I have gained a few pounds indulging through the holiday season. My goal at this time is to lose those pounds gained within the next two weeks. This will leave me at my pre-holiday weight of 129 lbs, with 2 lbs left to hit my ultimate goal of 127. As of January 16, 2012, I will start a Biggest Loser Challenge. My brother holds this at his martial arts school.  My intentions this year is not to lose much more weight, not going below 125 lbs.  I want to work on lowering my body fat percentage and become more toned and build muscle. Not skinny, but healthy and fit!!

My deepest intentions for creating this blog was to inspire other people. It was for those people, like me who had some weight to lose and didn’t know how to start. I wanted to help others who have pain (emotional and physical) when they exercise. People who are afraid of who they have become and who fear what they could become. I wanted people to know and see that anyone can do this. I want them to know that it is hard, but if we just keep going and not stop there is so much more happiness and fun to have and enjoy in the end. Setting, working through and hitting those set goals is attainable. You just can’t give up. I felt like I kind of fell off the wagon of updating my blog towards the end of the year. I am hoping to keep going this year if not for me but for my readers that look and read my blog for motivation and inspiration.

Thank you all for reading. Thank you for being here these last 8 months. Leaving your comments here, Facebook, Twitter or MyFitnessPal was so helpful. I love to hear your personal stories of change and it’s been great having you root me on through this journey. Your kindness and time here are not lost on me and I will try and put more effort into my blog.

Here’s to 2012.  We all got this! All of our goals are do-able!  Let’s DO IT!